Monday, April 26, 2010

The saga of the name change

Even though I can't officially change my name until after we have the marriage license, I have started some of the paper work for changing my name. I've heard it's such a big task to change your name (think of how many documents your name appears on) that I wanted to fill out as many of the forms as possible.
It's a really weird emotional process when it comes to changing your name. I've had this name since before I was born. It's be a part of my identity my whole life. I've never identified myself with any other name before. Suddenly, I'm going through this process of legally changing that name forever. It's not that I mind it-- I'm looking forward to taking Ryan's name. Still, it's such a weird realization that my name will suddenly be different. It'll take some getting used to writing his name instead of mine. Still, it's just one more thing that makes me feel like we're a family.

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