Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Big and small desires of my life

Last night as I was trying to fall asleep, I began thinking about what I want in life. As I lay there with my eyes closed, I made a mental list of the big and small. Here it is in no particular order...

1. I want to have some pet chickens.
No, I don't want to eat them (just their eggs.) I love farms and farm animals, and I would really love to have chickens someday. Ryan says that perhaps we can one day, if we live in an area that would be good for raising chickens.

2. I want to become a better writer.
I feel as though my writing skills have regressed over the years, and I would really love to sharpen them. Writing is such a wonderful, creative outlet. It's the reason I write this blog (because I know practically no one reads it.) It's something I do because I enjoy writing.

3. I want a healthy, happy, lasting marriage with Ryan.
Of course, everyone goes into marriage with this same desire, but many people tend to put less effort into the relationship as the years go on. I want to always have the same sense of admiration for Ryan that I do today, and to always make our relationship a priority.

4. I want to have children.
This is one of my greatest desires. Often times I feel like a childless mother. I want to have children so badly. The opportunity to be a mother and nurturer is something I look forward to in the future.

5. I want to grow in my faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.
I'm constantly growing, regressing, changing, and struggling with my faith (as all people do.) I'm not asking to be a perfect Christian or to have all the answers; I just want to live my life in a way that even remotely reflects the life that Jesus lived on earth. That in and of itself sounds like a tall order. Like I said, I don't have to be perfect Christian, but maybe a growing Christian would be nice.

6. I want to become a better photographer.
I love photography, and I've always wanted to take some classes. I really enjoy taking pictures of mundane things in a way that makes people see them in a new light.

7. I want to always be reading my way through a book.
Now that I've graduated college, I don't feel guilty when I pick up a book for leisure reading (as apposed to reading my required text books.) I usually feel better about myself when I am reading on a regular basis. I feel like I'm able to take in new perspectives and wisdom. I enjoy non-fiction best of all.

8. Stay hydrated.
I know this sounds like a weird addition to the list, but drinking plenty of water really makes a difference in your overall sense of well-being. It's easier to get out of bed in the morning, and your body is noticeably working more efficiently than when it is dehydrated.

Tell me some big and small desires of your life!


  1. You are the third woman married in the last five years who I know who wants chickens.

  2. Kelly, I was recently reading a blog about a woman who keeps chickens just for eggs and said she spends less than 8 dollars every 2 months for their feed, yet gets about a dozen eggs a week! :)
    I love your list, especially the part about growing in your faith. I feel so much like that. I could go on for an entire hour probably about my fears, foibles, and fun in my attempt to follow Christ. ♥ you!
